
7 natural methods to keep insects away from legumes
7 natural methods to keep insects away from legumes

You can protect legumes from insects with natural methods, without using chemicals.
Here are the practical methods you need to know.
Leave of Daphne
Bay leaf as a natural method to prevent legumes from infestation with insects
you can use Adding a few bay leaves to the container in which you store the legumes will prevent insect infestation.
Provides preventive effect.
Black pepper
The pungent smell of black pepper keeps insects away. Add a few black peppercorns to the legumes
You can prevent insect infestation by throwing
Garlic is also an effective natural method against insect pests. The container in which legumes are stored
You can prevent insect infestation by putting a clove of garlic in it.
Storage in Glass Jars
Storing legumes in glass jars prevents insect infestation as they are protected from air.
obstacles. Additionally, glass jars protect legumes from moisture.
Keeping in the Refrigerator
Keeping legumes in the refrigerator for a few hours will kill any existing insect eggs.
provides. With this method, you can take precautions against insect infestation.
Lavender Sachets
The strong scent of lavender keeps insects away. Lavender sachets where legumes are stored
Placing them in places prevents insect infestation.
Dried Mint Leaves
Dried mint leaves are also a natural method to prevent legumes from infestation.
Adding a few dried mint leaves when storing legumes keeps insects away.
To protect against insects, use natural methods without resorting to chemicals.
You can protect your legumes effectively. Correct storage conditions and this natural
Thanks to these methods, you can keep your legumes fresh and healthy for a long time.
You can.