Ms. Aydan Arpa

Technological Features

Protein Ratio (%): 9.5 - 11.5 Thousand
Grain Weight: 45gr - 50gr
Hectolitre Weight: 67 - 72kg
Malt Quality: Good
2.8 mm Sieve Top (%): 95 - 98 Yield Potential: 600 - 750kg

Agricultural Features

Spike Feature: Two Rows, Awned, Smooth and Long Spike, Thin Glum, Broad and Long Leaves
Plant Height (cm): 95 - 114
Drought Tolerance: Resistant
Cold Resistance: Resistant
Lying Endurance: Durable
Tillering: High Detail Features: Simultaneous maturation, medium maturity, no spike breakage and easy to blend. Sowing should be done as greening at the recommended time before winter. After tillering, weed control should be done before planting.
Seed Amount: 450-500 seeds per m2, 20-22 kg per decare
Seed Fertilization: The decision should be made by looking at the soil analysis report.
Water & Nitrogen Response: Good Recommended Areas: Recommended in the semi-bottom and bottom areas of Central Anatolia and transition zones.

Disease Status

Detail: It is moderately resistant to barley leaf spot and barley striped leaf spot diseases.