
Hard wheat is preferred in making firik. Wheat planted in November and December is harvested when it is green, close to maturity. It is left to dry under the sun for a day. The next day, wheat ears are turned into small piles by "Firik masters" and set on fire with their stalks and smoked by constantly stirring with rakes.

After the smoking process, the ears are left to dry for 3-4 days and are separated into grains and ground in mills to become "firik bulgur". Its appearance is coarser than other bulgur and has a greenish color.

For an online offer, you can place a wholesale firik bulgur order by filling out the form below. Optionally, you can obtain it in packages or sacks.

Source of Protein Fiber Source Contains Potassium Contains Calcium Low Fat Rate Vitamin B Contains Magnesium Folic acid

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