Alperbey Triticale

Technological Features

Protein Ratio (%): 12 - 14
Thousand Grain Weight: 27gr - 30gr
Hectolitre Weight: 71 - 72kg
Yield Potential: 250 - 400kg

Agricultural Features

Registration Date: 2002
Variety Owner Organization: Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute
Spike Feature: White, Awned
Plant Height (cm): 100 -120
Drought Tolerance: Resistant
Cold Tolerance: Medium Sensitive
Lying Endurance: Durable
Grain Yield (KG): 250 - 400
Usage Area: Feed, Blended Flour Production, Silage
Recommended Regions: It is recommended in the Central Anatolian Gateway Regions.

Disease Status

Detail: Rust Resistant, Resistant to yellow, black and brown rust, Sweat Resistant, Resistant to root and crown diseases