Larende Barley

Technological Features

Protein Ratio (%): 10 - 13 Thousand
Grain Weight: 41gr - 48gr
Hectolitre Weight: 63 - 68 kg
Yield Potential: 450 - 950kg

Agricultural Features

Variety Owner Organization: Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute
Spike Feature: Two Rows, White, Awned
Plant Height (cm): 100 - 110
Nature of Development: Alternative
Drought Tolerance: Medium Resistant
Cold Resistance: Medium Hardy
Tolerance to Lying: Sensitive
Grain Yield (kg/da): 450 - 950
Grain Color: White
Usage Area: Manger
Recommended Regions: It is also recommended in the Central Anatolian Gateway Regions.

Disease Status

Detail: Medium susceptible to barley leaf spot and barley striped leaf spot