Hunter 2002 Barley

Technological Features

Protein Ratio (%): 9 -11
Thousand Grain Weight: 38 - 40gr
Above Sieve (%): 80 - 85
Yield Potential: 450 - 600 kg

Agricultural Features

Registration Date: 2002
Variety Owner Institution: Field Crops Central Research Institute
Spike Characteristic: 6 Rows, Awned, Medium and Long Spikes, White Homogeneous Grains, Wide Dark Leaves
Plant Height (cm): 95 -100
Growth Nature: Winter
Cold Resistance: Resistant
Lying Endurance: Durable
Tillering: High
Detailed Features: It is a variety that has biological efficiency, is mid-late, does not have ear breakage and is easy to blend.
Seed Amount: 20 -22 kg/da
Fertilization: The recommended amount should be used according to soil analysis.
Recommended Regions: It is recommended for basal/semi-base and support irrigation areas of the high areas of Central Anatolia, Gateway and Eastern Anatolia Regions, in mixtures with plain and vetch.

Disease Status

Detail: It is resistant to barley leaf spot, barley striped leaf spot and snow mold diseases.