Ahmet Ağa Bread Wheat

Technological Features

Protein Ratio (%): 12.9
One Grain Weight: 33.4 g
Hectolitre Weight: 79.4 kg
Softening Value: 95
Energy Value: 198
Absorption Value (%): 65 Yield Potential: 400-900 kg

Agricultural Features

Registration Date: 2002
Variety Owner Organization: Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute
Spike Characteristic: White spike, awned, red and hard grains
Plant Height (cm): 90-100
Growth Nature: Winter
Drought Tolerance: Sensitive
Cold Resistance: Resistant
Lying Endurance: Durable
Detailed Features: It has white spikes, awns, red and hard grains and can yield Bezostaja-1 quality or better.
Area of Use: Flour Making Recommended Regions: Central Anatolia Transition Regions

Disease Status

Detail: Medium susceptible to yellow rust