Certified Fruit Grower 2001 Seed
Registration Year : 2001
Diversified Organization : Central Research Institute of Field Crops
Morphological Features : Plant height is 25-30 cm, first pod height is 14-18 cm, plant growth is upright, there is no grain shedding problem.
Cultivation Period : Summer Green Lentils
Agricultural Features : Summer, medium early, drought tolerant, resistant to lodging, 50% flowering days 60-70 days, maturation days 93-95 days
Yield Characteristics : Average yield is 130-160 kg/da
Technological Features : The weight of 1000 grains is 72.0 g, the cotyledon color is yellow, the grain shell color is green, and in the sieve analysis, 11% of the grains remained on the 7 mm, 74% on the 6 mm, and 13% on the 5 mm sieve.
Disease and Pest Status : There is no disease that limits productivity
Recommended Regions : Central Anatolia Region and Transition Regions