Seagull Dry Bean Seed

Seagull Dry Bean Seed

Seagull; The candidate variety showed a higher yield value than the average of standard varieties (207.4 kg/da) with an average yield of 281.2 kg/da in the Agricultural Values Measurement trials in 2 different locations, and was included in group A in the statistical evaluation. Variety candidate; It has a dwarf growth nature and grain color is white.

Plant height varies between 67-119 cm and first pod height varies between 11-23 cm. The weight of 100 grains is between 35.2-42.7 g and it reaches physiological maturity in 98-135 days. When technological analysis values are examined; Cooking time of the candidate variety is 31-39 minutes, water absorption capacity is 0.38-0.49 g/grain, water absorption index is 0.82-0.94%, swelling index is 2.00-2.17%, protein content is 22.14%. It varies between .

Disease values are low. It is recommended for Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions.